I admire THE GIRLS WHO HAVE COURAGE 4 this ...
i know i have done already a post with Kate Bosworth but i like that trend...
here the post
i know i have done already a post with Kate Bosworth but i like that trend...
here the post

maybe some day :) ...
it does take a lot of courage but the result is so fantastic! :)
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήKai emena mou aresei poli na ta vlepo...alla...OXI gia mena!!! Isos i kori mou (pou einai tora 10 xronon) tha to kanei mia mera, kai 8a einai koukla!!!
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήFilia Vasso!
Sumfwnw apoluta mazi sou, makari k eixa to kouragio na vapsw tis akres twn malliwn mou se diafora xrwmata alla einai kati pou to fovamai akoma, tha m phgainei, tha phgainei me to style m, k an den m aresei meta?
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήtoses polles erwthseis....
pantws einai teleio trend.
xairomai pou vrhka akoma ena cool ellhniko blog, genika m aresei na anakaluptw blogs k to diko s to vrhka apo ena comment sou se allo blog.
marianna apo http://lureofthedarkside.blogspot.com/
an thes na deis gia ti grafw k egw, perase k rixe mia matia, k an s aresei elpizw na me kaneis follow back mesw bloglovin, egw mias k den vrhka gfc button se ekana mesw bloglovin, ektos an to gfc s einai kapou krummeno :P
h den eixes pote h to evgales twra pou tha to katarghsoun gia mh blogpost.com sites
filia polla
na sai kala marianne m. eisai poly glykia ...
Διαγραφήoso gia to trend to vriskw arketa endiaferon alla dystyxws gia edw paratolmo !!
edw i8ela na kanw ombre kai o kommwtis mou eipe oti i ellada den einai etoimi gia afto...
me psiloesteile mallon den iksere na kanei..
se exw episkeftei kai nomizw se exw kanei k follow 8a to ksekarw omws ksana...
to gfc to exw vgalei kala ekanes apo bloglovin alliws apo thn parakolou8isi epanw...xixixi
elpizw na ta ksanapoume syntoma..
i love this, too, but not sure i would wear it as well!
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήjust wanted to say thanks for entering my giveaway. returning the follow via bloglovin.
Share the Love - Giveaway
an theleiw na vapseis ta mallia soy xrvmatista eimai 100% mesa na ta kaneis san th deyterh fwto! einai apisteyta! eyxaristw poly gia to comment soy! i am following back!!!!
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήax kai gw to 8elwwww !den kserw otan eixa konta mallia eixa perasei apo blue black mexri karoti !!sta makria ligo ta fovamai alla afto to trend einai pio diakritiko gt einai stis akres...
Διαγραφήpoly poly tolmires ontws!great post!:)
Style LimeLight
αχ μαρεσει τοσο πολυ αυτη η ταση!
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήολο το σκεφτομαι να κανω μια τετοια αλλαγη κ ολο το αναβαλλω..εχω μωρε κοκκινα μαλλια κ δεν ξερω τι θα πηγαινε...
αν τα ξανα αφησω καστα παντως σιγουρα θα τα κανω ροζ κατω ειναι τελειο!!
I love this! Dyed hair is amazing! My hair has a kind of red meets purple tone and the other day i bought pitch black from stargaze to dye the tips. I think it is going to look pretty cool. You should try it, i will ;)
i ksanthia me tis koufeti akres einai foveri!eida ena post se ena blog gia proswrini vafi me kimolia!lew na to kanw!des t k ec! http://thebeautydepartment.com/2012/01/chalk-it-up/
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήme tin kimwlia to exw akousei alla fantasou na eisai eksw kai na vrexei xixixi!eimai melaxrinh kai stis ksan8ies fainetai pio wraio ... :(